Increase your matches with these easy profile updates.

Matches on a dating app are only great if they are the right kind of matches.

So, we’re here to share the profile updates that will get you matching with more like-minded people you’ll actually want to go on a date with.

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Improve your photos

Your profile photo is the first thing potential matches see, so make sure it's a clear, high-quality photo that represents you well. Include photos that show you doing things you love, such as travelling or playing sports, and avoid selfies or group photos.

Update your bio

Use your bio to showcase your personality and interests. Be specific about what you're looking for in a partner, and avoid generic phrases like "I love to go out with friends" or "I'm easygoing." Show your unique qualities and interests to make your profile stand out and attract the type of people you’re looking to meet.

Credit: Pexels

Be more active

Couples can feel more comfortable and vulnerable with each other. Being able to laugh at oneself or share embarrassing moments is a great indicator of trust and closeness. This increased intimacy can lead to a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

Credit: Unsplash

Be honest and authentic

Don't try to be someone you're not. Be honest about your interests, hobbies, and what you're looking for in a partner. If you're not interested in casual dating, make that clear in your profile to attract like-minded individuals. It’ll be pointless going on a date with someone who is looking for something different, even if they are hot.

Credit: Pexels

Switch up your profile regularly

Keep your profile fresh by updating your photos and bio regularly. This shows other users that you're active and engaged on the app and may attract new matches who weren't interested before. Try different approaches to see what works best for you.


This is how to take better photos for your dating profile


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