The Face Behind The Dating Industry’s Most Popular Events

Few people have had quite the level of impact on people’s love lives like Inner Circle events manager Oceane Krugel. Working from her London office, Krugel is the award winning force behind The Inner Circle’s industry leading parties.

These events happen in cities around the world at some of the most impressive venues in each city, and have led to her being included in the Global Dating Insights Powerbook 2019. We sat down with her to find out why Inner Circle members consistently rate events as their favourite feature of the app, and where she’s planning on taking it all next.

We’re always looking to open new cities. This year we launched in South America and it’s working really well for us, people are very connected and keen so we’ll be doing more over there!

So Oceane, give us a breakdown of what it is you do:

At The Inner Circle, I am the international events and experience manager, I organise events for Inner Circle members in over 15 cities across the world! Events are a way for our members to mix online dating with all the benefits of actually meetup in real life. This is really important to who we are as a company, we’re not just a game on your phone we’re for real life dating.

As well as that, I am in charge of organising our real life experiences which are free events and let non users get a feel of what TIC is about.

Tell us about the award you’ve recently won!

Yes! I was privileged to be included in GDI Powerbook 2019, the definitive guide to the most influential people in the online dating industry.

I was quite surprised! I feel like as my role is in events, I tend to forget I am actually working for love so it was a good way to remind me and realise I am actually influencing a lot of people's lives. I was surprised but happy!

Over the past year, what was your favourite project you’ve worked on?

It was the re-launch of our events in New York, it was my favourite to put together and it was such a success! We went for a small curated vibe, with a smaller more intimate group of singles that are similar ages and have similar interests, which has led to better chances to meet and get on on the night. The one we did recently was in a really cool neighbourhood at The Hoxton in Williamsburg, had different activities throughout the night, games at the venue, we even partnered with Oysters XO to host a masterclass on how to shuck oysters. It was a chilled yet really cool backyard kind of vibe, and a really good way to bring people together, have them chat, and experience something fun. Small, like-minded curated crowds, plus icebreaker activities is the ideal way to get people together.

What’s next for Inner Circle events?

We’re always looking to open new cities. This year we launched in South America and it’s working really well for us, people are very connected and keen so we’ll be doing more over there! As well as that we’ll definitely develop more curated micro experiences as they’ve proven a really good way to bring people together. We want to really nail these smaller experiences and then scale from there!

You can see The Inner Circle events in action by simply registering here, and checking out the Discover section inside the app.


“This event changed the way I thought about dating!” One Londoner’s experience with Inner Circle