A Great First Date… at a Family Christmas Dinner

A success story like no other; this experience comes from Inner Circle user, Jeske. Daring to date better, Jeske took the plunge and invited a match to Christmas dinner with her family for a first date.

In her own words, here’s how it went.

“One of my goals is to have a relationship again in 2020, but I’m not into dating 30 guys on 6 different dating apps to find out that most guys are disappointing in real life. I wanted to have some fun and do something crazy with a date. So, two weeks before the end of 2019, I changed my goal: I want a date for Christmas to bring to my family. I thought, if a guy has the courage to have a first date at Christmas, then he should be amazing!

So, I changed my Inner Circle profile just a week before Christmas: ‘Looking for someone to be my +1 at my family Christmas dinner. Yes, this Christmas 2019. (I know; it’s short notice).’

I didn’t expect a serious response; I mean, don’t you have plans with your friends and family? And while some responses were a bit creepy, I got so many fun and crazy messages!

I was already talking to a guy who seemed really nice and he hadn’t seen my new profile. So, I thought: I’m going to ask him. It took 24 hours for him to come to the conclusion that this was a totally insane idea - but most of all, so much fun! He texted me the next day: ‘Let's do this’. 

Since the moment I saw him there was something, a vibe. We didn’t even want to go to the dinner because we had such a good time together.

OMG, suddenly, I completely panicked; so many horror scenarios went through my mind. He could be a catfish, a serial killer… or terribly boring (!) and I would ruin Christmas for my whole family. My grandmother would cry, my brother would be angry...

I suggested he could come to my place one hour before the dinner. This hour would give me the opportunity to ditch him if we didn’t have any connection at all - and to make sure he was normal enough to bring home to my family.

But, since the moment I saw him, there was something; a vibe. We didn’t even want to go to the dinner at the end of it, because we had such a good time together.

I warned my family in advance that I would bring a date, but of course, everybody thought we already knew each other. I was waiting for the question: ‘where did you meet?’ It took 10 minutes; I told them that we met just an hour ago.

You should have seen their faces - all jaws dropped! And the cherry on the cake: my brother and his girlfriend organised a Christmas quiz, with the last round being a performance with your teammates. So, he ended the evening with my mom and nephew, dancing and playing air guitar to Queen in the middle of the living room.

And… we had our second date 5 days later; just the two of us.

An unexpected date - and a success story that warms our hearts.

Got a wild date story of your own? We want to hear from you! Sign up to Inner Circle today and share your experiences with us on Instagram.