Fast-tracking profile approval? Check out these Fail-proof Photo Guidelines

To save our members hassle - and get them approved quicker - we have guidelines on the photos you can and cannot have on your profile. 

Our screening team checks each profile to make sure everyone is representing their true self and being respectful of other members.

No, you don’t need to be a supermodel or have influencer-style photography skills, but we do ask that you put your best foot forward.

Want to bag yourself a date? Follow our fail-proof photo guidelines to guarantee approval.

(Here’s why: quality profiles get 20% more engagement. More likes, more matches, more dates. You’re welcome.)

To help show you what does and doesn’t make a good profile picture, we had some fun around the office…

No face, no go.

No face means other members can’t get an idea of who you actually are. Any faceless photos will not be approved.

Don’t hide your face

People are here to see you - not your side profile or the back of your head as you gaze off into the sunset. We recommend looking straight on with a smile.

No distracting accessories

A bucket hat is a strong look - but it stops people from seeing what you actually look like. We don’t accept photos with hats, hoodies or sunglasses.

No mirror selfies

We know you can do better than this. Covering your face with a phone case or flash doesn’t do your profile justice.

No group photos

Is that you on the left? Maybe third from the right? With people only spending an average of 20 seconds looking at a picture before making a decision, there’s simply no time for group shots. Make yourself the focus of your photos - not your friends.

No filters

Inner Circle is about real people with real profiles. No filters, watermarks or text in place of an image allowed here.

5 or more photos

Getting an impression of your personality or appearance is impossible with just one picture. The stats don’t lie: having more than 1 photo will get you 5 times more matches.

Keep your photos consistent

Having one photo from last week and another from six years ago makes it hard for someone to get an idea of what you really look like. We recommend using photos from the last 6-9 months. The more recent, the better.

The better the quality- well, the better

This one’s self-explanatory. The more members can see, the more they can like. We don’t accept low-quality shots that are too blurry to tell who’s really there.

No blank expressions

We know, we know - you have a killer blue steel and you aren’t afraid to use it. Turns out, though, bored or blank faces don’t do as well on the app. A happy expression makes a great first impression.

Keep it authentic

You’re here to match with like-minded people - so, leave the overly-curated profiles behind. Include photos of yourself, in your natural habitat, at your happiest. Perhaps that’s a snap of you pursuing a hobby - or a shot where you’re having a laugh on your travels. 

Here’s why: the biggest reason people don’t get a second date? They don’t look like their pictures. Keep it filter-free and true to your personality.

No inappropriate or rude content

This goes without saying, but we don’t allow any harmful content on Inner Circle. This includes: nudity, guns or any images showing illegal activity. 

You can read Inner Circle’s inappropriate photo guidelines here.

Spotted something not-so-cool?

If you spot anything that doesn’t follow our guidelines or includes inappropriate content, let us know. Drop us a note on


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